Sunday, May 20, 2007

Solar system

I like science. Science is my favourite subject in school. Last week I learn new thing from teacher. She teach us about our solar system. Teacher said Allah create solar system. Allah is Great for being very-very clever to make very beautiful planets. I find it very menarik. I don't know what menarik in English. I will ask ibu.
Teacher said there are 9 planets in our solar system. Sun is also in our solar system. I want to tell about the planets. I start with the far planet.

This is PLUTO. It is so distant that sunlight takes more than five hours to reach the planet. Period of revolution is 247.69 earth year. Ibu said Pluto is no longer one of the planets in the solar system. I will ask teacher to explain.

This is NEPTUNE, the eight planet. It has the fastest winds seen on any planet in the solar system. Period of revolution is 164.8 earth year. I think Neptune is a beautiful planet.

Uranus is the seventh planet in our solar system. Absorption of red light gives the planet a blue green colour. Period of revolution is 84.01 earth year.

The planet on the right is Saturn. It is the sixth planet and the second largest of all planets. Its equatorial diameter is 119,300 km. Period of revolution is 29.5 earth year.

The next planet is Jupiter, which is the fifth planet. It looks like marble. This planet is the largest of all. If Jupiter were hollow more than one thousand earth could fit into it. I wonder how many football fields it could fit into? Period of revolution is 11.86 earth years.

This red planet is called Mars. It is the fourth planet in the solar system. When I watched tv, people said aliens came from this planet. Mars is less than 56million km from the Earth, the planet I live in. Period pf revolution is 687 earth years.

This planet I like. I like this planet because I live in it. It is called EARTH. It is a very beautiful planet. It is the third planet. Teacher said it is the only planet in the solar system that has conditions suitable for life. That's why people, animals and trees lives here. Period of revolution is 365 days.

VENUS is planet number two. It is the brightest planet in the sky. Teacher said sometimes we can see planet Venus when the sky is very clear at night. Period of revolution is 225 earth years.

The number one planet is MERCURY. It is near the sun. It is the second smallest in the solar system. It is 40% smaller than Earth. Period of revolution is 87.96 earth days.

That's all about our solar system.


so'od said...

uncle 9 tahun tau bumi ngan bulan je irfan.. malunya.. heheh..

semoga minat berterusan.. mana tau jadi ahli astronomi sehebat ilmuwan Islam silam al-Khawarizmi

MakcikMuda said...

si bintang tiba menghulurkan stardust



pandainye adek kakak yg sorang ni.

kakak belajar pasal planet2 ni pun time darjah 5 or darjah 6.


rajin2 belajar ye irfan.

akirasuri said...


oh oh irfan. apa bunda mu masak hari ni? cik ati tersangatlah kelaparan sekarang ni :D he he he.

emmm. bagusnya. kecil-kecil lagi dah tahu pasal semua planet-planet tu. nanti dah besar cik ati nak ngorat irfan tau [tipu saja] ha ha ha.

oh oh. irfan panggil kita cik ati jek ek. semua anak buah cik ati baya-baya irfan saja :)

pssttt: kak has!! he is soooooo cute! sungguh!!

khairyn said...

assalamualaikum irfan.

cik Ani ni.

Menarik dalam bahasa Inggeris ialah - interesting.

It's good that you have passion (tanya ibu ye) in astronomy. Learn about the planets and relate it to the science created by Allah. The universe is always expanding. It shows how small we are and how vast the knowledge that Allah has.

Belajar rajin-rajin. Tolong ibu didik adik-adik. Jangan buat ibu marah tau.

Kirim salam pada Zinnirah, Syabil and Nisa. Kiss-kiss buat Nisa dari Cik Ani.